Your Environmental Permitting Specialists

We have the knowledge and capabilities to help you adhere to strict environmental regulations for permitting in relation to land, waterfront, and dredging projects.

Planning for a Better Future

Ensuring your company is in compliance has become an increasingly complex process. There are many variables to address, requiring you to stay nimble while also sticking to your timeline and budget. Working with an environmental specialist like S. T. Hudson can help facilitate your project. Our attention to detail when completing permit applications and our unparalleled expertise in follow-up negotiations has earned us the respect of both state and federal regulatory agencies—making the entire process more efficient.




Stay on top of changing regulatory matters, and don’t let improper filing and procedures risk a delay with your project. By enlisting the specialists at S. T. Hudson to assist with your environmental permitting, you will:

  • Save Money: Cost savings that result from proper permitting done by S. T. Hudson.
  • Save Time: Since permitting is handled in-house, we spend less time waiting on others and more time advancing your project. 
  • Lessen the Administrative Burden: We take care of the details to reduce the administrative burden on the owner.
  • Get Expert Follow Up: With experience in many projects that adhere to strict environmental laws, we are adept in successful follow-up negotiations.

ST Hudson's availability on short notice and easy to work with attitude was outstanding. They easily met all the requirements for technical product, production, and product delivery. ST Hudson is a vital contributor to the maritime community.

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers -

See Our Experience

Delaware River and Bay Authority

Delaware River and Bay Authority

Delaware Memorial Bridge Ship Collision Fender System
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority

Philadelphia Regional Port Authority

Pier 80 and 82 Hardware Repairs | Pier 82 and 84 Pile Repairs
Energy Transfer Marcus Hook Industrial Complex

Energy Transfer Marcus Hook Industrial Complex

Addition of a New Fire Water Intake System
Energy Transfer Marcus Hook Industrial Complex

Energy Transfer Marcus Hook Industrial Complex

Dock 1A, 2A, and Fire Water Pump EPC Contracts
View More Projects +

Pro Tips

Most permits require a conceptual design to be submitted with the permit application.  Therefore, a permitting consultant should be brought in during or before the conceptual design phase.

For permitting purposes, “In-water work” means any work that takes place below the mean high-water line. In many cases, activities conducted over water would also require a permit.

The time it takes to secure a permit when doing in-water construction on a navigable waterway depends on the nature of the work and the location of the project, but as a general rule you should allot 6-9 months for the drafting and securing of local, state, and federal permits.

Dredging, disturbance of wetlands, waterfront development, pile driving, dock construction, bulkhead installation or repair, shoreline stabilization, outfalls installation, discharge operations, water intake systems installation, placement of fill in any body of water, and similar activities will probably require some level of permitting.

There are ways to fast track the permitting process. Hiring an environmental and permitting specialist, with an expertise in the permitting process and good relationships with the permitting agencies, will ensure the highest chances that the permitting process will take as little time as possible.

Need the Advice of an Environmental Permitting Specialist?